Monday, June 25, 2012

Peru Mission Journal (3rd Day)

June 17,2012

Today started very fast. I got up got dressed for church and ate breakfast. We traveled to church which was about 45 minutes away, we arrived there an hour early. We were ministering to two different services, both services lasted about two hours each. Worship is difficult because of the language barrier. The worship here in Peru is a lot different then they way we worship in the states. In Peru they worship has a lot of dancing. After church we were getting on the bus they had to call us off because we had a flat tire.

So luckily there was a mall near by so we could go have lunch. At the mall you have to pay to use the restroom. As I was walking out of the bathroom I remembered I leaved my passport on the hanger in the bathroom stall. I had already pass the point to were you pay. I yelled in english I have to go get my passport. After yelling that I ran into the bathroom and grabbed my passport saying thank you to the person sitting on the seatless toilet.

We came back to Pat's Place which is the place we stayed all week. We went to another church which was packed with people. They were people standing outside the church it was so full. One of our team members spoke on the Holy Ghost. Then the end of the service when the alter call was given. Drew my friend and I prayed over a young man that wanted to be healed schizophrenia, I have never been part of a healing before or knew the power of the holy spirt could work through me like it did. We prayed that he was healed in Jesus name. As the service went on the whole church wanted prayer and that is just what we did. As we go along in prayer Drew and I came upon a father and a son. The Son of the Father is about two years old. The Father said that the son could not speak so as the need arises we prayed for him.

If you have any questions about the trip please comment and I will answer them on a separate blog post.

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